BLT Numbing Cream for Microneedling

Woman applying BLT numbing cream to patient's face

Last updated on October 25th, 2023

What is BLT Numbing Cream and how can I use it to elevate my Microneedling Treatments?

BLT is a topical numbing agent composed of 20% Benzocaine, 4% Lidocaine, and 2% Tetracaine. Single use BLT packs can be applied to the face or other areas of the body prior to microneedling.

This blend is the strongest over the counter numbing agent on the market, making microneedling procedures more comfortable than ever for your client. Applied 15-25 minutes prior to the treatment, Inderma BLT will quickly and safely numb the area, giving your client peace of mind about the pain level of their procedure and allow them to sit back, relax, and enjoy the results to come! Effects of BLT last 45-60 minutes after removal from the skin, prior to procedure.

How does BLT compare to other OTC topical numbing agents?

BLT numbing cream is commonly used in procedures such as tattoo removal, hair removal, cannula insertion, veni-puncture, suturing, wound cleaning, injection administration, cosmetic and laser procedures, tattooing, etc.

Anecdotally, BLT Topical compounds have a reputation for providing a high degree of efficacy when properly applied prior to a myriad of superficial cosmetic procedures. Benzocaine is known to produce a fairly rapid onset of action while lidocaine and tetracaine produce a medium to long duration of efficacy. When used appropriately on small surface areas, the reputation of BLT topical compounds is that they are well loved and very effective. Not only are single-use BLT packets effective, they are also hygienic and prevent any cross contamination between clients.

Does BLT change the effectiveness of the Microneedling treatment?

BLT does not change the effectiveness of your microneedling procedure, but can change the comfort level for your client as well as the appearance of “results” immediately following the procedure. In most cases, clients’ skin will appear to have less redness and pinpoint bleeding as well as the body not manifesting a fight or flight response, due to the experience being virtually painless.

BLT is placed on the skin for approximately 15-30 minutes prior to your microneedling procedure then removed prior to microneedling, resulting in a virtually painless experience for your client. By creating a painless experience, as well as achieving great post-procedure results, clients will be excited and eager to book their next appointment!